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Doubling Down on Delusion

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

October 19, 2022


The NATO leaders are just as detached from reality in Europe as are their counterparts in the US. This wouldn’t be so alarming except for the fact that the people themselves are similarly detached. The people, more properly the consumers, have been voting into office the same mentally disturbed people for decades. And these fantasists who both reflect and cater to the public who elect them now led Europe into a disaster of epic proportions. And in predictable fashion, voters are once more marching in protest. I’m not certain about the case in Europe, but I suspect that it's little different than in Anglo-America where the protests are invariably led by the favorite Pop Musicians that have led them in every protest march going back to the protests of the 1960s. I can’t imagine that Anglo-Americans would have any idea what to think or what to protest against were they not led by Neil Young, Roger Waters, Bob Dylan or their modern equivalents tutored in protest by the Beat Hippie Revolutionaries of the Baby Boom generation. This was the generation mentored by their forefathers dubbed by the media the Greatest Generation, the one that fought in World War II. The cultural figures most esteemed from that generation being Norman Mailer, William Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Jack Pollock, Mark Rothko, along with Hollywood actors and Directors, one of whom, Ronald Reagan, even became America's emblematic President as well as the favorite President of Barack Obama, and the President Bill Clinton modeled himself after.

To point out that following the leadership of the God Dionysus and his sybarite companions, or the God of Hollywood Entertainment, will no doubt be greeted with dismay and jeers and more protests. But that doesn't make it any the less true. America, along with Europe, are apparently going go down into the dustbin of Western History clutching their Marvel Superhero, Disney Memorabilia and KidRobot Toys before accepting the grim reality that's descending on them like a juggernaut. Governments in Europe, like Italy and the ultra liberal Sweden have changed from left to right. Italy has gone to the extreme right, returning to Mussolini’s fascism only with a female face.

This isn't so much a change as but a putting on a new mask, or as the old saying goes "putting lipstick on a pig." In other words, Italy has long been ruled by the Vatican, along with the mafia, secret police, military, and politicians it holds in its pocketbook. France similarly was not only perfectly content to have Hitler take over Paris and rule with the Vichy government, just as long as the famed Parisian entertainment and art community were undisturbed. Jews were turned over to the Gestapo for extermination, while the myth of a valiant resistance was manufactured by the ever-resourceful Entertainment Movie industry. France and Italy are now at war, just as France is at war with the United States. It’s not a shooting war... yet. However, economic wars which is where it stands currently, tend to lead to alliances with one side or another eventually. For example, Italy has already allied itself in a trade deal for energy with Russia. Just as has the Eurasian countries assembled a short while back, including OPEC.

The European “Union” has completely disintegrated just as the “United” States, which has long been a fictitious title going back not just to the Civil War of the 1860s but back to the foundation of the Republic following the Revolutionary War for independence from Great Britain. In reality, the Northern radicals in Boston dragged along the Southern colonists who were by and large not inclined to go to war as they were prosperous under British rule. And content to pay taxes. This the the historical pattern, recognized by W. B. Yeats, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, in his poem “The Second Coming.”

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

The founding documents, written in English, outlined the basic belief systems which were a patchwork of the hermetic Jewish Qabalah, astrology, occult. tarot, geomancy, and alchemy. These same occult belief systems mutated in splendiferous profusion, along with Modern Artists across Europe. The extensive use of hallucinogenic drugs long associated with the mystical beliefs of practitioners going back to the Ancient Mystery Religions, noting that cannabis was found among the burial remains of Egyptian Deities, accompanied the various flowering. The beliefs became ever darker as black magicians like Aleister Crowley, who splintered off from Yeats' Golden Dawn to eventually found his own black sex magic religion he called Thelema.

Thelema was based in the magical beliefs of the Pharaohs with Tantric Yoga thrown in to enliven the sexual practices of followers . Crowley can be seen as the source of the Paganism which came into full flower in the counter-culture of of the 1960s, primarily through Jimmy Page who disseminated Crowley's writing through the metaphysical bookstores he established in London, as well as reprinting all of Crowley's works enabling whoever had a mind to could try their hand at casting magical spells as well as curses. Thelema religion and drugged out teenagers dabbling in black magic, along with rampant use of psychedelics, uninhibited sex and new chemical concoctions, both legal and home-made produced an unprecedented and total cultural psychosis.

Unfortunately that psychosis was institutionalized in the American Universities and taught as gospel truth to each succeeding generation. Instead of studying history, students were indoctrinated into the counterculture by teaching history by way of Hollywood Cinema. Hollywood cinema itself was a glamorization and idolization of both the revolutionary movements of the past and the various occult religions that informed them. In fact Hollywood directors and well as actors were members of Freemasonic lodges throughout the state. Bohemian Grove which originated in the 1870s in Marin County outside the city of San Francisco, which was the twin sister with Los Angeles of the New Age Psychedelic Religion in the 1960s.

The Jacobins of the French Revolution and the succeeding European and American revolutions were the direct antecedents of the Counterculture Revolution of the 1960s. And the beliefs and practices of the leaders of the rebellions can be traced back in one circuitous way or another to the same source in the ancient mystery religion of Egypt. Take as an example the patron saint of the French Revolution, the Marquis de Sade, whose name the term sadism and its companion sadomasochism derive, it’s possible to trace the actual target of “liberation” was liberation from the bondage of sexual repression. De Sade was naturally adopted by the Surrealists and Dadaist as a founding father in the field of unrestrained exploration of sexual ecstasy as the highest form of enlightenment accessible to human beings.

From the mid to the late 19th century, European thought was encapsulated by thinkers like Nietzsche and his disciple Sigmund Freud, who once the verbal fireworks are pared away can be seen as codifying the notion that the imprisonment of the libidinal impulses through repression is the primary cause of so-called “neurosis”. And that these neuroses were the source cause of all the discontentment that came along with civilized behavior. Therefore, dispensing with the restraints of civilized conduct imposed by tyrants like the Judeo-Christian God, mankind would finally be free to usher in an age of progress. Third eye enlightenment, golden dawn, the new earth, the new Jerusalem, the new world order, the Novus Ordo, all extending back to the Novus Ordo Seclorum on the dollar bill with it's all-seeing eye of the Illuminati above the unfinished pyranid and from that further back in time to Ancient Egypt.

When the Century of Progress and the Progressive Parties went disastrously off the rails in World War I, there was a gathering in Zurich, Switzerland of numerous international intellectuals cooking up newer philosophies and cultural marvels that would set it back into motion barreling forward into World War II. Zurich was where the Marxist intellectual Lenin was living alongside the originators of the Italian Futurist and Fascist manifestos, who were alongside the originators of Dadaism and Surrealism along with James Joyce and his stream of subconsicous insanity which culminated years later in Finegans Wake, the title appropriately referencing a freemason named Tim Finnegan.

Marxist communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Fascists, Laissez-faire Capitalist, Libertarians, Progressives... metastasizing, dividing, subdividing and cascading headlong into the Vietnam war joining with bizarre French Maoist New Wave sex cults, Satanic witches, pagans, german, italian, palestinian, american terrorist cells all hellbent on violent revolution. Then, after the results of the Presidential election in 2019 produced unacceptable results, a heroic group of Marxist-Socialist Revolutionaries under the command of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton, backed by the FBI, CIA, IRS and numerous other intelligence agencies and the Military Industrial Complex that spawned them restore the American Government back into the hands of the People.

Seemingly it's just me who sees that the impassioned and devout believers of the Republican and Democratic parties are two sides of the same coin, or dollar bill as it were. It’s being clearly demonstrated in Europe today, as there obviously isn’t any difference between the right-wing left-wing governments in fundamental approach to governing, any more than there is in the US or its subsidiary, lapdog Canada. Maybe I'm missing something but it looks to me that every country in the word is governed in one form or another by the same iron fist of the 1 percent, better known as Lucifer for those of us who believe in his existence anyway for that matter. Naturally there are cultural differences but I'm hard-pressed to see that they amount to all that much, since everyone is in agreement that women mud wrestling and King or Queen of the Cage along with the rest of Las Vegas Entertainment can't possibly be in dispute as the very heart and soul of Western Cultural Progrees.

In the U.S. the few sane people attempting to puncture the delusion belief system of the TV addicted masses living in the exact same psychotic condition that engulfed the country in the mid-1960s are viewed as completely delusional madmen. I'm hard-pressed to name any of them, but I imagine they're around somewhere quietly working on on their spiritual devotions as outlined by Jesus Christ in the sixth chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew. Why so many Christians are so dense today that they need to read entire books by new age Christian authors about how to pray I can't imagine. But I suspect it has something to do with the technological and countercultural revolution of he 1960s, where human beings seem to have gotten the notions in their heads that sex, drugs, rock and roll, tv addiction and virtual reality devices delivered 24/7 have led to both self-empowerment and self-enlightenment undreamed of by the Christian community following in the wake of the resurrected Christ in the first century.

This totalitarian dream world is so seamless and existentially necessary for its believers that anything creating cognitive dissonance is some form of 'propaganda", Chinese Communist, Russian Communist or what have you. In other words, anything that is propagated afresh daily by Jeff Bezos or the Och/Sulzberger Cultural Wonderland Express conglomerate is by definition propaganda. There are different degrees of delusion, and clearly those who created the delusional reality in the first place, along with the psychedelic and other drugs enabling them in creating it are too far gone into this dystopian Wonderland to even conceive that a deeper spiritual might exists outside its borders.

Eastern and Western mystical beliefs revolve around the popularity of the purveyors. The widespread and mistaken belief of Modernist Theology stems from the principle that nothing succeeds like success, which assumes that whatever the mass of people believe in is true because it produces real results, i. e. money and fame. This completely contradicts the living word of God recorded in the Bible. While many millions of people profess faith in the Living Jesus, it's clear by simply observing how their behavior and worship services contradict the clear instructions of Jesus given in Matthew 6 that they're suffering from one sort of cognitive impairment or the other.

The greatest music, musicians and artists are by definition those who are in the top 100 on the all-time hit lists. Any worship service or Christian cofffeeshop not piping this music in, or presenting a reasonable facsimile of it created by Modern Christian songwriters would be viewed as thoroughly out of step with the Brand New and ever evolving Jesus. The Jesus Freak anthems of Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar have been superseded by root, rock reggae along with the originators of heavy metal by none other than Aleister Crowley disciple Led Zeppelin. Why the Born Again Christian Alice Cooper isn't performing his classic Dead Babies in St. Patricks Cathedral or one of the churches showcasing the latest Drag Queen sermons I can't imagine. But I assume it's only a matter of time.

While what I'm writing may seem sarcastic or droll, it actually makes me nauseous, /what makes me nauseous isn't the Drag Queen performances, it's that the so-called Christians in churches by conservative and liberal are completely incapable or raising any objections because across the nation most, most of them are already only one step short of it, if that. If this isn’t the worship of man by man, I can’t imagine what would be. Jesus referred to this as the blind leading the blind. He also warned about the end times when many false prophets and false Christs would appear. (Matthew 7: 15) It’s easy enough to recognize them since he also said that they would come to us in sheep’s clothing. Put simply, anyone peddling one version or another of Jesus as compassionate, kind and deeply in love of his false prophets and their beautiful families, all drinking the sweetly colored and flavored kool-aid, is spreading a false gospel. Not to mention if they and their children are wildly cheering the drag queen burlesque performances staged for their bargain basement standards entertainment.

It’s not accidental that Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters were giving out Kool Aid laced with LSD to followers partying with the Hell’s Angels in San Francisco all as one big happy family of man. Just as it wasn’t accidental that Jim Jones had his gunmen handing out cyanide-laced Kool- Aid to his brainwashed disciples all on their way to union with God in heaven. Notably all of these people arose in the same San Francisco of Charles Manson, Anton La Vey and the church of Satan, along with hundreds of other psychedelic ecstatic communes all preaching spiritual enlightenment through sexual ecstasy. It might be reflected on that Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God on earth, did not come down to preach the gospel of sexual liberation and ecstatic experience as the path to the Father in heaven.

And that whoever is prophesying the enjoyment of worldly pleasures as the truth path is both a snake oil salesman or wolf in sheep’s clothing. Another obvious sign of these snake oil salesmen is the symbolism everywhere in sight, from the American currency to the Masonic temples to the Sacred cities of the Vatican in Rome, the City in London, and the Capitol in Washington, D. C. One thing Americans seem completely resistant to is the reality that the American Republic was never created as a Christian nation under God. In fact the “In God We Trust” motto only appeared on the dollar bill in 1956. What it replaced was the Latin E pluribus unimpressive (“Out of the many, one”). The great seal itself on the original dollar bill is undisturbed, which shows the Masonic one-eye Illuminati symbol above the Egyptian pyramid, which is the origin of the belief system of all the various secret societies. The Latin motto “Novus Ordo Seclorum” translates as “A new order of the ages (is born).”

Floating above the pyramid are the Latin words “Annuit Coeptis”. As Charles Thomson’s the man responsible for the words placed there wrote, “A Pyramid unfinished. In the Zenith an eye in a triangle surrounded with a glory proper. Over the Eye these words ‘Annuit Coeptis.... The Eye over it & the Motto allude to the many signal interpositions of providence in favor of the American cause.” By “signal interpositions” Thomson meant “unusual interventions” of providence. The founding Fathers were all in agreement that they were a nations of destiny. What was that destiny? That destiny was to rule the world through a “new order of the ages” they were giving birth to. The worm in this particular apple, offered as a temptation just like the devil offered the apple to Eve, was that the founding fathers themselves had no unified common definition who this God was, other than themselves.

The one thing all were agreed on, just as their descendants today inhabiting the halls of Congress, the White House, and the mushrooming buildings of the military industrial complex where they’ve risen to the top, is that Americans are number uno. Americans have not only believed fervently in this Nationalist myth for hundreds of years. By and large, they’re unaware that this is just another Nation-state, no different from other nation states. And that a Nation state is an invention not a reality. The patriotic fervor on both sides in the upcoming elections are what is insuring that America itself is on the verge of ceasing to exist as the “United States.” Confusing patriotism with belief in God is a terminal mental illness in the sense that it’s delusional. Reading the Bible in terms of nation states is one form of it. The other form is to think that God has any particular love of one nation state or another in terms of being on any particular side.

God doesn’t think in terms of nationalities. The Jews who believe that they’re God’s chosen people seem to be blissfully unaware that God has destroyed His chosen people down to the last person, excepting Noah and his family during the flood, for their idol worship and disobedience to HIs commandments. He’s destroyed in their entirety the cities of Sodom and Gommarah for exactly the he same sins and disobedience that we see practiced throughout the modern world. At least the God of the Bible, who modern people enjoying all the fruits of progress, no longer believe in if their behavior is any indication. Where the notion that the 10 commandments don’t apply to people living in the 21st century technologically imprisoned West became a fixed belief came from has to do with this notion that there really is such a thing as progress.

The word itself was invented in the Middle Ages in England. It had become obsolete by the end of the 17th century, presumably because the people of that time had discovered that there was no such thing. But then, in the early 19th century it reappeared exactly where one would have expected it to, in America, accompanying the delusional beliefs of the colonists that they were the one and only chosen of God to usher in the New World, along the lines of their ordering. Progress comes from the Latin words pro and grade, translated they mean to walk forward or to advance. To anyone familiar with the Hebrew Prophet Ecclesiastes, there is no such thing as progress. Or anyone familiar with the prophet Friedrich Nietzsche for that matter. There’s nothing original in anything Nietzsche wrote, as he’s simply “advancing” the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, and so on.

What I’m writing here, to put it clearly, is that so-called Christians today, are following pagan belief systems of one sort or another. By and large, American Christianity is the worship of Man because America was founded in the pagan belief system going back to Egypt along with being encoded on its currency and in it’s various Greco-Roman Temples. Simply take a look at at the style of the “memorials” in Washington, D. C. along with realizing that these are not memorials at all but Temples. Or take a look at the House of the Temple a mile north of the White House where the body of the Freemason saint Albert Pike has been entombed for eternity, much like the saints in Rome are worshipped in their crypts in the Vatican in Rome.

Whether or not it’s disturbing to Christians to think that they are actually worshipping themselves and their own selected idols, from George Washington to Bob Dylan and Neil Young, it’s unfortunately the case. It’s also unfortunately the case that the Lord Almighty God and King of Kings, Jesus Christ, are thoroughly displeased with the heresy and idol worship of the Modern World. One form of mass delusion which comes from the widespread adherence to the belief in either Donald Trump or Barack Obama as the current incarnations of the Word of God, in other words seeing God as a political partisan on one side or another, is mega church rallies that resemble secular rock concerts. That’s because they are secular rock concerts.

If one isn’t looking at Candace Owens, Kanye West and Ben Shapiro on one side and Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden on the other as secular actors in a political war to control power in Washington they aren’t looking very hard at anything other than the performances. They also aren’t looking at anything else occurring in the reality surrounding them in their own country. And the reality outside of the borders of the USA is completely outside their understanding or perception since whoever they are, those people aren’t Americans. And if they aren’t Americans then they’re of no interest at all to the selfie-absorbed TV audiences. It’s not just that Americans, so to speak, aren’t keeping their eyes on the ball, they are unable to see the ball at all. If it hasn’t been explained to them through the views of their Wall Street gurus, religious gurus, or political pundit gurus in terms that can be understood by a 10 year old then it isn’t real.

The primary culprit in this are the American people themselves. It’s not just that they prefer to be lied to, while being massaged with whatever fantasies they prefer to watch on TV, they demand to be lied to. If they aren’t lied to then then will automatically switch the channel because there’s nothing entertaining about being told the truth, particularly if it involves changing their behavior or fixed belief system in any critical way. Instead they take one of three paths.

  1. They either ridicule the incredibly stupid people in office and entertainment—which are the same thing since the only people elected are invariably voted for due to their entertainment value. Any entertainers or politicians speaking above the level of 6th grade comprehension simply won’t be understood at all. Barack Obama was on TV last week telling Democrats that what they’re saying is a “buzzkill.” In other words, what politicians are supposed to do if they want to get elected is to talk happy talk about a bright future with socialized medicine and electric cars and moon colonies and wealth and prosperity for all. It worked for Barack. No doubt he’ll trot it back out again since it worked well enough to get Biden elected, even though it required the necessary fraudulence of the preceding elections going back decades.

  2. They scrupulously ignore any larger reality that exists outside the perimeters of their digital TV universe, in order not to find themselves completely alienated from and ostracized by family and friends. Of course, this is the baseline requirement of the Christian religion should one be reading the words in the Bible from Genesis to the Book of Revelation. The words that friendship with the world is enmity with God are overlooked just as are all the rest. If there’s anything that will get a Christian excommunicated from whatever Christian Church they want to attend it will be those of Jesus: “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” Self-Denial, let alone picking up the Cross of Jesus, isn’t going to take you very far in the Selfie Joy filled Happytown of Modern Christianity, where never is heard a discouraging, .

  3. They inhabit some kind of new age belief system where they can be part of a global community of likewise delusional people.

Charles Finney, in his 1869 book written as a warning to Christians about the insidious nature of Freemasonic societies, describes the America of today.

“.... Freemasonry waxes worse and worse as you ascend from the lower to the higher degrees. It will be remembered that in the Master’s oath murder and treason were excepted in the oath of secrecy. In this degree murder and treason are not excepted. Now, as all Masons who take the degrees above this have also taken this oath, it follows that all the army of Freemasons, composed of Royal Arch Masons, and all who have taken the degrees above this are under the most solemn to conceal each other’s crimes, without exception. And what an institution is this, to be allowed existence under any government, especially under a republican form of government? Is it safe to have such a set of men scattered broadcast over all the United States? Let us look this think squarely in the face. “

Finney is describing the oath taken by all Freemasons who rise to the 33rd degree. A list of past American Presidents that inhabited this position are as follows, keeping in mind that anyone who has risen to the Office of the President is in complete complicity with the known 33rd Degree Freemasons:

George Washington (1732-1799) / James Monroe (1758-1799) / Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) / James K. Polk (1795-1849) / James Buchanan (1791-1868) / Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) / James Garfield (1831-1881) / William McKinley (1843-1901) / Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) / William Taft (1857-1930) / Warren G. Harding (1865-1923) / Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) / Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) / Gerald Ford (1913-2006)

In addition to those, and this should be paid attention to, the following individuals were initiated into Freemasonry:

Lyndon B. Johnson was initiated into the first degree in 1937. Ronald Reagan was made an honorary Freemason, in his youth Bill Clinton was a member of the Order of DeMolay. This order was founded in 1919 and named for Jacques de Molly’s the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and open to men between the ages of 12 and 21 who acknowledge a higher spiritual power.

October 19, 2022


The leaders are just as detached from reality in Europe as are their counterparts in the US. This wouldn’t be so alarming except for the fact that the people themselves are similarly detached. The people, more properly the consumers, after voting for the mentally disturbed people for decades and who have now led them into complete disaster are once again marching in protest. I’m not sure about Europe, but in Anglo-America the protests are invariably led by the favorite Pop Musicians that have led them in every protest march going back to the protests of the 1960s. I can’t imagine that Anglo-Americans would have any idea what to think or what to protest against were they not led by Neil Young, Roger Waters, Bob Dylan or the modern equivalents tutored in protest by the Beat Hippie Revolutionaries of the Baby Boom generation mentored by their fathers of the Greatest Generation, Norman Mailer, William Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Jack Pollock, Marky Mark Rothko and so on.

To point out that perhaps following the leadership of the God Dionysus and his sybarite companions is greeted with boos, jeers and more protests. Governments in Europe, like Italy and even the ultra liberal Sweden have changed from left to right, Italy going to the extreme of returning to Mussolini’s fascism. I don’t view this as a change of anything but a putting on a new mask. In other words, Italy has long been ruled by the Vatican, along with the mafia, secret police, military, and politicians. France similarly was not only perfectly content to have Hitler take over Paris and rule with the Vichy government, just as long as the famed Parisian entertainment and art community were undisturbed. Jews were turned over to the gestapo for extermination, while the myth of a valiant resistance was manufactured by the ever-resourceful Entertainment Movie industry. France and Italy are now at war, just as France is at war with the United States. It’s not a shooting war... yet. However, economic war which is where it is now, tend to lead to participation in alliance with one side or another eventually.

The European “Union” has completely disintegrated just as the “United” State, which has long been a fictitious title going back not just to the civil war of the 1860s but back to the foundation of the Republic following the Revolutionary War for independence from Great Britain. In reality, the Northern radicals in Boston dragged along the Southern colonialists who were by and large not inclined to go to war as they were perfectly prosperous under British rule. This is the historical pattern, as recognized by W. B. Yeats, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, in his poem “The Second Coming.”

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

The founding documents, written in English, outlined the basic belief systems which were a patchwork of the hermetic Jewish Qabalah, astrology, occult tarot, geomancy, and alchemy. These same occult belief systems mutated in variety, along with the habitual drug usage associated with the mystical beliefs of practitioners of the occult through black magicians like Aleister Crowley up through their full flowering in Dionysian counter-culture of of the 1960s, complete with the same revolutionary of the French Revolution and the succeeding European and American revolutions modeled along the same lines since they were derived from the same source going back to the ancient mystery religions of Egypt. Given that one of the patron saints of the French Revolution was the Marquis de Sade, from whose name the term sadism and its companion sadomasochism derive, it’s possible to trace the actual target of “liberation” was liberation from the bondage of sexual repression.

Nietzsche and his disciple Sigmund Freud codified the notion that the imprisonment of the libidinal impulses through repression was the primary cause of the “neurosis” that was causing all the discontentment that came along with civilized behavior. Therefore, dispensing with the restraints of civilized conduct imposed by tyrants like the Judeo-Christian God would usher in an age of progress, enlightenment and various manner of golden dawns and plans for a new earth and new Jerusalem and, of course the new world order we we see unfolding as man has thrown off its shackles and restraints and emerging in is own resplendent glory.

The Century of Progress and the Progressive Parties of all variety went off the rails in the disaster of World War I. But no worries, that was merely needing a reorientation in course under the Marxist communists and Nietzschean Fascists. Has it yet occurred to the devotees of these two belief systems they’re only two sides of the same coin? It’s being clearly demonstrated in Europe today, as there obviously isn’t any difference between the right-wing or left-wing governments in fundamental approach to governing with the iron fist of liaises-faire capitalism, or winner take all.

In the U.S. the few sane people puncturing the delusion belief system of the TV addicted masses living in a psychotic condition believing they’re empowered by living in various forms of virtual reality delivered 24/7 on their electronic devices are naturally viewed as delusional madmen. The totalitarian dream world is so seamless and existentially necessary for its believers that anything creating cognitive dissonance is Russian propaganda or right or left-wing propaganda. There are different degrees of delusion, and clearly those who created the delusional reality in the first place, along with the psychedelic and other drugs enabling them in creating it are too far gone inside it to see that there’s any deeper reality outside it exists outside it.

Both Eastern and Western mystical beliefs revolve around the popularity of the purveyors, since its the mistaken notion of Modernist Theology, that nothing succeeds like success. And whatever the mass of people believe is certainly true. The greatest music and musicians and artists are by definition those who are in the top 100 on the all-time hit lists. If this isn’t the worship of man by man, I can’t imagine what would be. Jesus referred to this as the blind leading the blind. He also warned about the end times when many false prophets and false Christs would appear. (Matthew 7: 15) It’s easy enough to recognize them since he also said that they would come to us in sheep’s clothing. Put simply, anyone peddling one version or another of Jesus as compassionate, kind and deeply in love of his false prophets and their beautiful families, all drinking the sweetly colored and flavored kool-aid, is spreading a false gospel.

It’s not accidental that Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters was giving out Kool Aid laced with LSD to followers partying with the Hell’s Angels in San Francisco all as one big happy family of man. Just as it wasn’t accidental that Jim Jones had his gunmen handing out cyanide-laced Kool- Aid to his brainwashed disciples all on their way to union with God in heaven. Notably all of these people arose in the same San Francisco of Charles Manson, Anton La Vey and the church of Satan, along with hundreds of other psychedelic ecstatic communes all preaching spiritual enlightenment through sexual ecstasy. It might be reflected on that Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God on earth, did not come down to preach the gospel of sexual liberation and ecstatic experience as the path to the Father in heaven.

And that whoever is prophesying the enjoyment of worldly pleasures as the truth path is both a snake oil salesman or wolf in sheep’s clothing. Another obvious sign of these snake oil salesmen is the symbolism everywhere in sight, from the American currency to the Masonic temples to the Sacred cities of the Vatican in Rome, the City in London, and the Capitol in Washington, D. C. One thing Americans seem completely resistant to is the reality that the American Republic was never created as a Christian nation under God. In fact the “In God We Trust” motto only appeared on the dollar bill in 1956. What it replaced was the Latin E pluribus unimpressive (“Out of the many, one”). The great seal itself on the original dollar bill is undisturbed, which shows the Masonic one-eye Illuminati symbol above the Egyptian pyramid, which is the origin of the belief system of all the various secret societies. The Latin motto “Novus Ordo Seclorum” translates as “A new order of the ages (is born).”

Floating above the pyramid are the Latin words “Annuit Coeptis”. As Charles Thomson’s the man responsible for the words placed there wrote, “A Pyramid unfinished. In the Zenith an eye in a triangle surrounded with a glory proper. Over the Eye these words ‘Annuit Coeptis.... The Eye over it & the Motto allude to the many signal interpositions of providence in favor of the American cause.” By “signal interpositions” Thomson meant “unusual interventions” of providence. The founding Fathers were all in agreement that they were a nations of destiny. What was that destiny? That destiny was to rule the world through a “new order of the ages” they were giving birth to. The worm in this particular apple, offered as a temptation just like the devil offered the apple to Eve, was that the founding fathers themselves had no unified common definition who this God was, other than themselves.

The one thing all were agreed on, just as their descendants today inhabiting the halls of Congress, the White House, and the mushrooming buildings of the military industrial complex where they’ve risen to the top, is that Americans are number uno. Americans have not only believed fervently in this Nationalist myth for hundreds of years. By and large, they’re unaware that this is just another Nation-state, no different from other nation states. And that a Nation state is an invention not a reality. The patriotic fervor on both sides in the upcoming elections are what is insuring that America itself is on the verge of ceasing to exist as the “United States.” Confusing patriotism with belief in God is a terminal mental illness in the sense that it’s delusional. Reading the Bible in terms of nation states is one form of it. The other form is to think that God has any particular love of one nation state or another in terms of being on any particular side.

God doesn’t think in terms of nationalities. The Jews who believe that they’re God’s chosen people seem to be blissfully unaware that God has destroyed His chosen people down to the last person, excepting Noah and his family during the flood, for their idol worship and disobedience to HIs commandments. He’s destroyed in their entirety the cities of Sodom and Gommarah for exactly the he same sins and disobedience that we see practiced throughout the modern world. At least the God of the Bible, who modern people enjoying all the fruits of progress, no longer believe in if their behavior is any indication. Where the notion that the 10 commandments don’t apply to people living in the 21st century technologically imprisoned West became a fixed belief came from has to do with this notion that there really is such a thing as progress.

The word itself was invented in the Middle Ages in England. It had become obsolete by the end of the 17th century, presumably because the people of that time had discovered that there was no such thing. But then, in the early 19th century it reappeared exactly where one would have expected it to, in America, accompanying the delusional beliefs of the colonists that they were the one and only chosen of God to usher in the New World, along the lines of their ordering. Progress comes from the Latin words pro and grade, translated they mean to walk forward or to advance. To anyone familiar with the Hebrew Prophet Ecclesiastes, there is no such thing as progress. Or anyone familiar with the prophet Friedrich Nietzsche for that matter. There’s nothing original in anything Nietzsche wrote, as he’s simply “advancing” the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, and so on.

What I’m writing here, to put it clearly, is that so-called Christians today, are following pagan belief systems of one sort or another. By and large, American Christianity is the worship of Man because America was founded in the pagan belief system going back to Egypt along with being encoded on its currency and in it’s various Greco-Roman Temples. Simply take a look at at the style of the “memorials” in Washington, D. C. along with realizing that these are not memorials at all but Temples. Or take a look at the House of the Temple a mile north of the White House where the body of the Freemason saint Albert Pike has been entombed for eternity, much like the saints in Rome are worshipped in their crypts in the Vatican in Rome.

Whether or not it’s disturbing to Christians to think that they are actually worshipping themselves and their own selected idols, from George Washington to Bob Dylan and Neil Young, it’s unfortunately the case. It’s also unfortunately the case that the Lord Almighty God and King of Kings, Jesus Christ, are thoroughly displeased with the heresy and idol worship of the Modern World. One form of mass delusion which comes from the widespread adherence to the belief in either Donald Trump or Barack Obama as the current incarnations of the Word of God, in other words seeing God as a political partisan on one side or another, is mega church rallies that resemble secular rock concerts. That’s because they are secular rock concerts.

If one isn’t looking at Candace Owens, Kanye West and Ben Shapiro on one side and Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden on the other as secular actors in a political war to control power in Washington they aren’t looking very hard at anything other than the performances. They also aren’t looking at anything else occurring in the reality surrounding them in their own country. And the reality outside of the borders of the USA is completely outside their understanding or perception since whoever they are, those people aren’t Americans. And if they aren’t Americans then they’re of no interest at all to the selfie-absorbed TV audiences. It’s not just that Americans, so to speak, aren’t keeping their eyes on the ball, they are unable to see the ball at all. If it hasn’t been explained to them through the views of their Wall Street gurus, religious gurus, or political pundit gurus in terms that can be understood by a 10 year old then it isn’t real.

The primary culprit in this are the American people themselves. It’s not just that they prefer to be lied to, while being massaged with whatever fantasies they prefer to watch on TV, they demand to be lied to. If they aren’t lied to then then will automatically switch the channel because there’s nothing entertaining about being told the truth, particularly if it involves changing their behavior or fixed belief system in any critical way. Instead they take one of three paths.

  1. They either ridicule the incredibly stupid people in office and entertainment—which are the same thing since the only people elected are invariably voted for due to their entertainment value. Any entertainers or politicians speaking above the level of 6th grade comprehension simply won’t be understood at all. Barack Obama was on TV last week telling Democrats that what they’re saying is a “buzzkill.” In other words, what politicians are supposed to do if they want to get elected is to talk happy talk about a bright future with socialized medicine and electric cars and moon colonies and wealth and prosperity for all. It worked for Barack. No doubt he’ll trot it back out again since it worked well enough to get Biden elected, even though it required the necessary fraudulence of the preceding elections going back decades.

  2. They scrupulously ignore any larger reality that exists outside the perimeters of their digital TV universe, in order not to find themselves completely alienated from and ostracized by family and friends. Of course, this is the baseline requirement of the Christian religion should one be reading the words in the Bible from Genesis to the Book of Revelation. The words that friendship with the world is enmity with God are overlooked just as are all the rest. If there’s anything that will get a Christian excommunicated from whatever Christian Church they want to attend it will be those of Jesus: “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” Self-Denial, let alone picking up the Cross of Jesus, isn’t going to take you very far in the Selfie Joy filled Happytown of Modern Christianity, where never is heard a discouraging, .

  3. They inhabit some kind of new age belief system where they can be part of a global community of likewise delusional people.

Charles Finney, in his 1869 book written as a warning to Christians about the insidious nature of Freemasonic societies, describes the America of today.

“.... Freemasonry waxes worse and worse as you ascend from the lower to the higher degrees. It will be remembered that in the Master’s oath murder and treason were excepted in the oath of secrecy. In this degree murder and treason are not excepted. Now, as all Masons who take the degrees above this have also taken this oath, it follows that all the army of Freemasons, composed of Royal Arch Masons, and all who have taken the degrees above this are under the most solemn to conceal each other’s crimes, without exception. And what an institution is this, to be allowed existence under any government, especially under a republican form of government? Is it safe to have such a set of men scattered broadcast over all the United States? Let us look this think squarely in the face. “

Finney is describing the oath taken by all Freemasons who rise to the 33rd degree. A list of past American Presidents that inhabited this position are as follows, keeping in mind that anyone who has risen to the Office of the President is in complete complicity with the known 33rd Degree Freemasons:

George Washington (1732-1799) / James Monroe (1758-1799) / Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) / James K. Polk (1795-1849) / James Buchanan (1791-1868) / Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) / James Garfield (1831-1881) / William McKinley (1843-1901) / Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) / William Taft (1857-1930) / Warren G. Harding (1865-1923) / Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) / Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) / Gerald Ford (1913-2006)

In addition to those, and this should be paid attention to, the following individuals were initiated into Freemasonry:

Lyndon B. Johnson was initiated into the first degree in 1937. Ronald Reagan was made an honorary Freemason, in his youth Bill Clinton was a member of the Order of DeMolay. This order was founded in 1919 and named for Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and open to men between the ages of 12 and 21 who acknowledge a higher spiritual power.

Naturally, since this is a religion, the Order of DeMolay, which Bill Clinton was a member of as a teenager is a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization. Notably, the Internal Revenue Service in 2109 also recognized the Satanic Temple as a valid religion. While it was reported in the Press as the first Satanic church to receive tax exempt status, this wasn't the case. Unsurprisingly the first Church of Satan to receive tax exempt status was the chapter in New York City called "the grotto."

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